Exhibition: The stArt artists at 109

Exhibition: The stArt artists at 109

 22 October 2020
 about 2 minutes

From October 23 to 31, 2020, the 109 invites you to discover the exhibition "Les artistes stArt au 109 - Trente ans d'art contemporain" located in Nice.

The 43 artists participating in stArt at 109

Henri BAVIERA - John BENDALL-BRUNELLO - Tiziana BENDALL-BRUNELLO - Isabelle BOIZARD - Jocelyne BOSSCHOT - Kim BOULUKOS - Gilbert CASULA - Véronique CHAM-POLLION - Jean-Louis CHARPENTIER - Cathie COTTO - Alain DE FOMBELLE - Pascale DIELEMAN - Pascale DUPONT - Elizabeth FOYÉ - Olivier GARCIN - Michèle GAUDARD - Pascal GEYRE - Jacques GODARD - Bernard HEJBLUM - Camille HERCHER-MOHEN - Hala HILMI-HODEIB - Pierre JEHEL - Roland KRAUS - Rosemarie KREFELD - Régine LAURO - Nicolas LAVARENNE - LOUISE CAROLINE - André MARZUK - Margaret MICHEL - Martin MIGUEL - Daniel MOHEN - Roland MOREAU - Olga PARRA - Gilbert PEDINIELLI - Richard PELLEGRINO - Isabelle POILPREZ - Claudie POINSARD - Nicola POWYS - RICO ROBERTO - Rachèle RIVIERE - Serenella SOSSI - Bernard TARIDE - Jean-Paul THIRY

Pierre Jehel artist at stArt in 109

"Still crazy after all these years" is the title of a Simon and Garfunkel song that could be applied to the ever-renewed vitality of the stArt collective at 109.
After 30 years of actions, exhibitions and editions within the cultural community of Nice, nationally and internationally, it's the same enthusiasm, the same passion, the same unifying impetus that presides over the implementation of its various projects.

This is demonstrated by the various exhibitions planned for 2020, in the Matarasso, Itinéraire and Depardieu galleries, in institutions such as the Centre International d'Art Contemporain de Carros, the Centre Culturel La Providence and the Bibliothèque Raoul Mille. But also more complex projects such as the partnership with the Artesio association of Brussels involving Belgian and Nice artists or the one organized at the 109 - Pôle de cultures contemporaines, which will see about forty artists to celebrate together these 30 years of cultural activism. The adventure continues, again and again...

Virtual exhibition stArt at 109

Virtual exhibition stArt at 109

Raphaël Monticelli artist at stArt in 109

The first thing that comes to mind when you look at the list of artists in stArt at 109 is their aesthetic diversity. What is immediately apparent is the artistic rigour: the artists of stArt au 109 present a coherent body of work, with clearly identifiable issues, and inscribed in the art history of recent decades. Painters, sculptors, photographers, engravers, designers, ceramists, architects and video artists all master and often misuse the techniques they use. All reflect on their practice and question it.


stArt exhibition at 109 from October 23 to 31, 2020 from 1pm to 7pm (except Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays)
Further information https://www.start06.com/

Roland Moreau 2021-05-05 00:02:14 Reply

Glad to see the virtual exhibition stArt 30 years that I had the pleasure to realize next to the virtual exhibitions of MAMAC, Soulages and others.


Roland Moreau 2021-05-02 14:46:08 Reply

I would be happy to count you among the Friends of Azur Art Action, an online community contemporary art gallery (born in Vallauris-Golfe Juan) https://azur-art-action.fr


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