Guide to good plans for staying on the Côte d'Azur
Who hasn't wanted to stay away for a few days, a month or more?
When you're young, you're often lucky enough to be able to do just that. No family obligations, no job, in transition from studying...
I'd like to say that it's been our dream or wish at least once in one of our trips to say I want to stay 🙂
This article is dedicated to young foreigners who have fallen in love with the region and would like to extend their stay.
Here are a few tips to make your dream come true in the region!
This article will evolve with your comments and news 🙂 So don't hesitate to give us your feedback!
Good deals on accommodation for long stays,
I think you're all familiar with the essential Air bnb
But you can also take a look at :
- Le bon coin Côte D'azur
-Facebook Marketplace. Just log in to your Facebook profile and click on the "Marketplace" icon at the top.

Facebook - Marketplace - Côte d'Azur Furnished Accommodation
Good job plans!
Soussous are always needed!
We often don't have enough money to extend our stay.
You have jooble.org which gives you all the job offers available in France, but also on the Côte d'Azur:
- summer jobs,
- internships for foreign students,
- fixed-term or open-ended employment contracts (CDD or CDI).
Keep your fingers crossed!

Jooble - Find a job
To find out about your rights, visit the service public français If you have any questions about "Working as a foreigner in France
Good plans for transport
To get around by bus, tramway, bike... regional transport networks offer good deals and season tickets.

Azur bus lines
Depending on where you are staying, here are the Côte d'Azur transport networks:
Nice region : Lignes d' Azur , Appli Ticket NFC Bus , Vélo bleu
Antiboises region :
Cannoises area :
Grassoise region :
Var region :

Tram line 2 Régie Lignes d'Azur
Don't forget the train! With the TER, it's easy to get from one region to another!
If you wish to rent a car from a private individual, you have :
Getaround.com This is the old drivy.com
As you can see, the article is not complete.
I'll come back to it to give you the good deals, links to certain sites, discount sites ... such as Carte pass French riviera Pass
In the meantime, don' t hesitate to let me know if you have any good tips to pass on to future residents of the Côte d' Azur.
I think I'll do a new search on :
Foreign schools on the Côte d'Azur
Where to place an ad
Being a guide for a summer ...
Or tips to give with your experience .
Looking forward to reading your Feedback Bons plans sur la Côte d'Azur !